Jan 30, 2019
In this Q & A episode, I am going to cover evaluating a new horse, overcoming loss of confidence and desire, and how to overcome the limiting belief that horses hate being ridden.
Show Notes
[01:13] Question one is from Leann in Canada. She asks my perspective about acquiring a new horse and how to best assess which...
Jan 23, 2019
Today, I discuss why riders should make mistakes. I'm going to break it down into three different things. Why you should make mistakes. Which mistake you should really try to avoid. And how to measure the direction of your mistakes.
During my clinics, I often tell riders that they should make mistakes in the right...
Jan 16, 2019
Issues that affect the way a rider thinks has been the topic for this podcast season. This episode is about something that you should spend some time contemplating when you are at home sitting on the couch. If you do, it will change the way you ride.
This topic is pressure. How do you react when you hear me say...
Jan 9, 2019
I get a lot of emails and comments from people who are afraid that they are giving their horse the wrong cues. They are afraid they will fail their horse by not keeping their commitment to riding. They are concerned about reading their horses body language wrong. They fear doing the wrong thing. They feel like they are...
Jan 2, 2019
It's the start of the year and time to talk about goal setting. I'm going to talk about SMART goals or goals that you have control of and accidental goals. These are goals that you can't control the outcome of but you can set yourself up for success with them.
I explain what a SMART goal is and how it applies to horse...