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Train Your Own Horse with Stacy Westfall

Apr 28, 2021

“What have you learned by studying Classical Dressage? What things changed? Will you continue to ride Dressage?”
I answer these questions and discuss the similarities and differences, precision, speed, accuracy, transitions, self carriage and more. Some of these things I discovered myself…others my horses reported...

Apr 21, 2021

On trail rides there are many situations for scary footing; boggy areas, water crossing, big ditches, hills and more. In those moments do you have a plan that covers the things your horse might do? Are the cues you use interfering or helping the horses balance?
This podcast discusses the rider fears, the reason that...

Apr 14, 2021

Today I’m answering two questions. The first is about an injured horse that is hand walking…his owner would like suggestions about maintaining other routines through groundwork.
The other question is about trick training…clicker training, loading the clicker, using the clicker when riding…and what is a trick...

Apr 7, 2021

Today I’m answering two questions about older horses. One about restarting and one about a horse that doesn’t want to listen when he can’t see the herd.

What is the difference between training a young horse vs retraining an older horse? Are there different risks starting an older horse under saddle?
When working...