Feb 23, 2022
Help! “My horse “flinches” at everything. I mean everything –
including me sniffing. Somedays are worse than others. My trainer
has kindly talked to me about it being me. I try so hard to be
relaxed and positive, but I will admit, I am a bit “on guard”. Any
tips for this situation!?!?!?!?!”
I have certian...
Feb 16, 2022
A listener asks a question about ‘changing the story in your
head about a horse…and knowing when it's time to move
Often times, the story we have in our head is a mixture of fact and
story. Separating out the facts is useful. Pretending the facts
don’t exist, so we can pretend to have a different story, is...
Feb 9, 2022
Today, I’m answering two questions about fearful
I’ll discuss the dance I see between the natural flight instinct,
training, a horse's speed of learning and accidental rewards.
Sometimes the idea of flight, fight, or freeze can leave us
thinking that horses are limited. What makes some horse more
Feb 2, 2022
Why do some horses resist bending in the direction of the circle when being lunged or ridden? Two listeners called in asking versions of this question. The answer includes; defining bend and counter-bend, deciding why we want bend, determining the ‘big picture’ with bend and why some horses seem distracted. I...