Jun 29, 2022
When I say that I ride the same pattern over and over again in training, the most common question is, “Doesn’t the horse memorize the pattern?”
In this podcast, I explain:
Jun 22, 2022
Are you willing to be out of sync with your horse to make progress?
In this podcast, I talk about the idea of moving faster or slower than your horse as a concept that exists both physically, and mentally.
When physically riding a horse, it makes sense that you could
’ahead’ of the horse's motion, ‘with’...
Jun 15, 2022
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just read a book or see a
demonstration once…and just do the new thing with ease?
The reality is often quite different. I would even go as far as
saying that the process is backward from what we desire.
Take the example of changing a current habit, where you release the
rein, to a...
Jun 8, 2022
This podcast was recorded while I was on a long, ‘non’ specific
I categorize riding sessions into four different types to increase
my awareness and effectiveness.
I often teach students how to do short, very specific rides. You’ll
hear why in the podcast.
This could be a pep talk for how to ride for time...
Jun 1, 2022
Self-concept is how you perceive your behaviors and abilities. It affects your motivation, attitude, and behavior. It is possible that your self concept is slowing you down more than your technical skills.
Signs your self concept might need an upgrade: