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Train Your Own Horse with Stacy Westfall

Aug 28, 2024

Stacy Westfall discusses the overuse of the phrase "I'm sorry" in everyday situations and how it relates to horsemanship. She recounts observing excessive apologizing in a workshop setting and at grocery stores, questioning whether these apologies are genuine expressions of remorse or habitual responses. Westfall...

Aug 21, 2024

This episode of the podcast explores the concept of "decision fatigue" and the challenges of navigating the "messy middle" or "miserable maybe" when faced with big life decisions. Stacy shares how this process can be similar to what a horse expereinces when being trained to approach and relax around scary objects. 


Aug 14, 2024

In this milestone 300th episode, Stacy Westfall explores the challenges and benefits of choosing change. She reflects on her journey of creating weekly content for over a decade and how it has shaped her perspective on change. Stacy discusses the constant nature of change and the importance of distinguishing...

Aug 7, 2024

In this episode, Stacy explains how she picks and maintains a theme when working with her horses. She shares how studying one theme over a longer period reveals the many angles that are possible. It also helps her see how the theme applies to non-horse parts of life as well.

Key takeaways:
• Focus on a specific theory...