Mar 25, 2020
Ep 71: How are you doing? Before you answer that question, I'd
like you to pretend that you are a horse. What's the first image
that comes to mind? An Arabian? A racehorse? An overworked driving
During this podcast, I share with you my idea that maybe it is
helpful if we view our situations from a slightly...
Mar 18, 2020
Episode 70: Question: After warming up and we're beginning to work, I have a really hard time keeping his gait consistent, usually start out slow and easy. But as we continue on, he has a tendency to increase his speed and will tense up and occasionally throw his head. Whenever I ask for a change of gait,...
Mar 11, 2020
Mar 4, 2020
Episode 68: How to teach your horse to spook, in three easy
1) start with a horse with lack of experience or holes in the
2) try not rock the boat…
3) when the horse has doubts, reduce the pressure or request
Thanks for humoring me there.
Sometimes when I’m thinking about a subject…I try to...