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Train Your Own Horse with Stacy Westfall

Aug 30, 2023

It is remarkable how well horses can learn to read a rider's seat cues. 

In this podcast, I explain how I use my seat cues to communicate with my horses, including how these seat cues can naturally develop. 

A seat can:

  • Follow the motion
  • Get ahead of the motion
  • Get behind the motion
  • One hip bone can be more on top of...

Aug 23, 2023

If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, you have probably heard me say, “Your horse is asking you questions.”

Sometimes people will reply, “My horse isn’t asking questions…he is making statements!”

In this episode, I explain how horses develop limiting beliefs, what useful beliefs are, and how...

Aug 16, 2023

The questions you ask will impact the information you gather and your entire riding experience. 

Often times, the question “Am I doing this right” Or “Is this correct?” is a lightly veiled, “Is this wrong?” or “This is probably wrong…” or some variation. 

You’ll know by the way it feels in your...

Aug 9, 2023

One goal when riding is an increasing consistency in your horses' response to your cues. 
This will only be possible when YOU are consistent with the application of, and release of, the cue. 
The quickest, most reliable way to develop this is by keeping things simple and repeating them: riding a pattern. 

But then...

Aug 2, 2023

Have you ever wondered, but how do I get him to do it for longer? 
Maybe you want your horse to keep loping until you tell him to stop.
Maybe you want him to stand until you ask him to go. 
Maybe you show in western dressage, and your horse keeps popping his head up during the free walk…and you want him to keep it...