Feb 22, 2023
A listener calls in and explains that she has previously enjoyed
showing, and would like to show again…but a few thing have
She is older, and now lives in an area where she doesn’t know as
many people.
She says, “The fear that is preventing me from showing my horse is
the fear of getting hurt or getting...
Feb 15, 2023
In this episode, I discuss the benefits of a show environment, and why insecure horses can learn to thrive at shows. Topics include:
Feb 8, 2023
Feb 1, 2023
In this episode, I discuss the difference between the mentality of showing versus training. These are complementary systems when you understand the difference between them.
Showing is polishing.
Showing is taking a test.
Showing is an external evaluation.
The judge’s job is to evaluate against a standard.
Training is...