Aug 28, 2019
When we become very familiar with a term, it can sometimes lose meaning. When I talk about a horse having a lack of forward motion or needing more forward motion what I'm actually talking about is the horses first response without resistance.
Symptoms of not having forward motion would be a sluggish walk and a sluggish...
Aug 21, 2019
There are times when you may need to make an emergency stop with your horse. One way to do this is to disengage the horse’s hips. This is something that I do not do in my training, and today, I’m going to tell you why. First, I’m going to explain exactly what I mean by disengaging the horse’s hip. I’m also...
Aug 14, 2019
It's a bold statement to say there are two simple cues that fix most issues. When I say most issues I mean things like bucking, rearing, head tossing, and a lot of the issues that we experienced under saddle. You might wonder how it’s possible that two simple cues can fix most of those issues? In this episode, I...
Aug 7, 2019
Timing is everything when it comes to horse training. I don't want to put any pressure on you, but you need really good timing.
Your timing may never be perfect, but it can always be improved. In a future episode, I will also talk about how in the beginning, your timing is everything and then once the horse picks up...